View of Mt. Baker and the Olympic Mountain range after a hike to the top of Mt. Doug:
Monday, February 28, 2011
View of Mt. Baker
Posted by Logical Philosopher at 7:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: contemplative, travel
Social Networks: Digg this | |Sunday, February 06, 2011
Homemade Ravioli
After being away for a week of travel Haley wanted to have some time with her dad so we decided to make some homemade ravioli together. She was pretty excited to be up on the counter mixing the ingredients. To make it more colorful (and to use up some ingredients we had in the fridge) we made two batches, one Butternut Squash and the other Spinach & Cheese. The first make-work project for Haley was to pull off all the stems on the spinach and dice it up. Measuring in the cheese and other filling mixtures also provided a lesson in me about the attention span of a 6 year old cooking. I explained some of the measuring to her before she was to start.
"Haley, you need to put in 1/2 cup of this grated cheese. This measuring cup is 1/4 cup, so put two in"
Turning away to get the other batch of filling ready was my mistake. Even if I was only looking away about 10 seconds she managed to scoop in who knows how much of the cheese. I peered into the bowl, it now brimming with more grated cheese than I thought we even had in the house. "So Haley, how many scoops did you put in?". She postulated for a bit, then finally announced what she had done. "Mmm. One, but maybe two or even three. I don't remember."
The amount of scoops she put in was of no matter to her, only the fact that she was the one that got to do it. As a result this may end up being "Spinach with some Cheese Ravioli", or "Lots of Cheese with Little Spinach Ravioli".
Here was the filling recipe we used for the fillings:
Butternut Squash, Sage, and Cheese Ravioli:
Cheese Ravioli Filling:
The butternut squash was a different story, as I "helped" out more closely and we got the proportions right. She dutifully mashed and measured the filling, all the time loudly proclaiming that she was only there to help mix but wouldn't eat any "mashed orange stuff", regardless of the culinary feast that awaited her.
While that was going on I made up some fresh pasta and rolled it out into strips, and Haley helped spread out the filling. Finally, after 2 hours of mixing filling, shaping pasta we were ready make the pockets of goodness using a ravioli roller:
Haley helped roll out the ravioli and cut them into the final squares. A light dusting of flour later we now had a heaping bowl of fresh pasta waiting for our dinner.
And in true 6 year hold fashion when it was all done and finished she looked at it and pouted "Chef Boyardee would have been better". Little J was too busy playing Wii to come for dinner and LP-ette was too busy reading to also attend.
So I did what any other aspiring weekend chef would do - had some fresh ravioli on my own and then went to bed.
Posted by Logical Philosopher at 10:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: kids say the dardnest things, parenting and family life
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