The Logical Philosopher

Friday, November 24, 2006


Did you ever have one of those days filled with ironic happenings?

An older lady struggled to get on the bus behind me today, weighed down by her shopping cart full of empty bottles. Her shirt was stained beyond any sort of sanitary redemption. Her shirt had a large Tide logo stretched across the front of of it.

After getting off the bus I walked past a vacuum store where one of the store's employee was outside sweeping the doormat clean.

I arrived at Starbucks and the young, semi-fit man in front of me ordered a Venti Maple Frappuccino blended crème (640 calories), a piece of coffee cake (890 calories) and, "for a treat because it was friday", a chocolate mint brownie (620 calories). By 10:00 he had consumed his daily suggested caloric intake, just "because it was friday". I would have hated to see him really go on a binge "just because it was a Saturday"...